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What is a Workshop?


A Workshop is a wood-working experience for women! Build anything from an awesome wine-rack, a gorgeous coffee table and everything in between! A Workshop is an opportunity for women to learn the ins and outs of using power tools and craft supplies in a safe non-judgmental environment. Its purpose is to empower women and inspire them to build furniture and décor or fix things around the house!


What should I wear to a Workshop?


The most important thing to wear are closed toed shoes. Please no flip flops!

Aprons are provided, so no worries about getting your cute outfit dirty! But it is recommended that you wear something you aren’t worried about getting stained or dirty.

We also recommend having your hair tied back so that there are minimal distractions when using power tools.


How early should I show up to a Workshop?


Please come a max of 10 minutes prior to go time!

How long do SheShops usually last?

It all depends on the project. Aim to be there typically between 3-4 hours.


Is there going to be food served?


At this time, we will only be serving hot chocolate to start the holiday season off right.  If you need to, please bring something to snack on to tie you over until after the Workshop is done!


Do I need to bring anything?


Nope! Please just remember to wear the proper footwear. We supply everything else!


Do I get to keep what I built?


Absolutely!! We want you to show off your awesome new project to everyone you can! Make sure you have enough room in your car to bring your piece home.


what if I cant make the workshop date but I still want to build that project?


cant make it? No problem, just take a look to see if other workshops will be running at a later date or send us a line asking to build that project on an available day, we are flexible and want to help ladies create so please just ask. 



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